Check out our most recent activity!
You Are Event
In the video above, we held the year's final meeting for our monthly event, and it was truly a beautiful and impactful evening. The theme of the night was "My Purpose", centered around thought-provoking questions:
Why am I here?
Does my life have meaning?
Do the things I do matter?
What is my purpose?
Through heartfelt worship and ministry, led by the talented team from @worldworshipmusic, we explored these questions together. The night culminated in a moment of transformation, as four young women decided to receive Jesus into their hearts.
After studying the Bible in a coffee shop with some Wednesday girls, I (Rossy) felt inspired to invite adult women from Instagram for a Bible study over coffee. Last Saturday, we gathered to study “Emotional Victories.” Although I’ve taught this before, it ministered to me powerfully again. A highlight not in the video: I brought flowers with Bible verses, and we gave extras to the café staff. Watching their reactions was beautiful.
Check out our most recent summer update video below!
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Visit our YouTube page to see all video and Shorts updates!
Yes You Can:
We had the wonderful opportunity to share the gospel in a local school not from where we live. Click on the video to watch the Holy Spirit move many of these young teenagers to tears.
Meet Josue:
Josue approached me at church speaking English, leaning on crutches, and shared that he'd lost his lower leg due to a tumor on his ankle. Despite the adversity, he kept a large smile on his face. We talked for an hour and found out we both have a love for video games. Coincidentally, I had recently bought a PS5 for ministry purposes while back in the States.
After our conversation, it became clear to me that the Playstation could be a powerful tool to connect with Josue and share the gospel with him. Between his chemo treatments, and when he has the strength, he comes over to play video games. During this time we also discuss the Bible and do a devotional together. I am grateful for this new friendship and the opportunity to encourage and disciple him.
Our most recent update video:
We take our ballet class on a field trip to watch a professional ballet performance. Our ballet class then came to enjoy a two-day summer camp where the Holy Spirit moved the young girls to tears.
Girls Group
Our girls' group is flourishing, with new girls joining us each week. Two of our girls have recently rededicated their lives to Christ and are eager to learn and grow in their faith. We have put together a short video that gives you a glimpse of what a typical Wednesday evening looks like for our group.
We start each session with a fun team-building game, followed by a Bible study where we dive deep into Scripture and explore what it means to live out our faith in today's world. After class, we sit down to enjoy a snack or meal, building meaningful relationships based on our shared love for Jesus Christ.
Ballet Class
Our ballet class is growing rapidly, and due to the limited space in our community building, we have to turn away some eager participants and encourage them to join us in the future. Many mothers pass by, inquiring about how they can get their children involved in our program.
We begin each class with a story from the Bible, followed by a brief review of the previous week's lesson. To incentivize participation, we reward the students who remember with a piece of candy. However, managing a large group of young girls can be challenging, and we have had to shut down a few classes due to disruptive behavior. We're encouraged, though, to see the girls learning that there are consequences to their actions.
Merry Christmas!
Click on the video to the right to see our most recent update video. 12/2022.
Girls group outreach
The video to the right summarizes our recent girl’s group outreach (October 2022). After pouring the word of God into these young adults for over a year, meeting every Wednesday, we wondered when we would be able to see the fruit of the time invested. One Wednesday the girls were discussing the influences that the world is having on their generation. During this discussion, they became inspired to influence others in the world. They came up with the idea to step outside the comforts of the apartment and share their faith with others. We were blessed to see the fruit that was being produced by this small group. After learning about God these girls are now out sharing it with others.
Los Angeles Dodgers
We had the wonderful opportunity to speak in front of the Dominican, LA Dodgers baseball team. We shared on how if the umpire is removed from the baseball game the game would lose control and chaos would erupt. If we remove God from our lives, our lives as well will lose control. We had 30 Bibles available if any of them had a desire to understand God on a deeper level. As you can see in the photo to the right all the Bibles were claimed. The following week Rossy and I were invited by the team to watch a game. Click through the photos to see all that was captured from that day.
Dental & Evangelism
Over 52 kids had their teeth professional cleaned and left with a brand new toothbrush and toothpaste. While to children were waiting to see the Doctors we studied the Bible, worshipped and danced together. We had volunteers from local churches as well as girls from our Wednesday girls group. Volunteers from local churches headed out into the streets to evangelize and hand out bibles, over 60 to be exact. It’s amazing what God’s love can do to a community, as people were walking up to us looking to receive a bible and also wanting to learn more about Jesus.
Park Transformation
Over the past few months we have had the wonderful opportunity to share life with a small community that surrounds a tiny triangle shaped park. This park once covered in trash and broken glass has now been restored with radiant colors and palm trees . We came to this area to play and to get to know the neighborhood, but we never imagined that it would lead to the community transforming their local park. Local leaders and the community pastor felt inspired to repair and refresh the community. We are grateful and blessed to be inspiring others to do more. Photos are of before and after.
Trash, Girls Group and School Supplies. Update #2.
In our second recap video you will learn of our new street ministry and Rossy's Wednesday night girls group. Our street ministry started out with us playing with the local kids and has lead to influencing the local community leaders, so much so that they are helping us rebuild/cleanup the park. Our school ministry and river ministry kids are heading back to in person school this month so we wanted to gift them new school supplies to assist them in their education. Click the video to the right to see their reaction!
"You Are"
A program created for adolescent girls with the goal of understanding identity, value & purpose in Christ. We hope to establish a community of young believers that will encourage each other when struggles arise and self-esteem fades. Every Wednesday we meet for Bible study, fun activities & time to grow closer with each other. Every new member will receive a personal Bible and so far 8 have received their first personal Bible.
Video update
Click on the video to the right to see our first video update. In this video we bring you alongside us as we journey the streets of the Dominican Republic.
School ministry
We are thankful for the connection God has given us with a local teacher who is helping the youth of the Dominican extend their basic education. She has allowed us to share Bible stories and pray at the end of her classes. This is a once a week activity often occuring on Thursdays. We hope that through this connection, these children will also grown in their understanding of who God is. The first week we taught that God is the creator of all things good. The second week we discussed how we are created in the image of God.
100 Bibles have been purchased. We are excited to hit the streets/evangelize throughout the Dominican Republic. Help us by praying for those who will receive.
A new ministry is born!
The above video was created to give you a better understanding of how our ministry came to be and our plans for the future.